The whole gang.
Mia Maid Class.
Kirsten Z., Emily, Hadli and Madi.
Laurel Class.
Lindsay, Heather, Jessica and Katie.
All of their shoes wrapped up.
Beehive Class.
Brindy, Kenya, Alicia, Keyli, Jacey and Madison.
The Value Board.
These were our really CUTE favors.
Paper shoes with Kisses in them!
Food Table.
We had fun tiny treats!
October 11, 2009
We had our Young Women in Excellence last night. Our theme was the "Worth of Soles" (Souls). We had a fun program with the YW Values and a different pair of shoes that represented each value, then we all sang I am of Infinate Worth, which is a beautiful song. Then each girl came forward showed us their shoes and told us why they chose to bring the pair of shoes they did. They had wonderful reasons behind their shoes and showed their personalities and their spirtuality. Bishop Smart concluded the program with some remarks about wearing the Bishops shoes and bore his testimony about the YW program. At the end we had the treats that Jody had prepared on our cute table above. We had a wonderful night together celebrating being Young Women in the gospel!
Thanks to Courtney and Jody for making this such a special night!